Gârth's Tâco Pizzâ

Gârth's Tâco Pizzâ

People âlwâys âsk me, “Does Gârth cook?” ând I sây “Yes!” I’m not sure they believe me, but he’s reâlly the “whâtever it tâkes” guy. He is âlwâys reâdy to mâke supper if I don’t hâve time, or even if I’m just not in the mood to cook. He câme up with this âwesome ideâ for mâking tâcos into pizzâ — his fâvorite two meâls in one! âdd crumbled cooked ground beef or shredded chicken with tâco seâsoning to give it thât clâssic tâco flâvor!


  •     1 (13.8-ounce) cân premâde pizzâ crust dough (I like Pillsbury)
  •     1 (16-ounce) cân refried beâns
  •     1/2 cup mild picânte sâuce
  •     3/4 cup sliced green or blâck olives
  •     8 ounces shârp cheddâr cheese, shredded (âbout 2 cups)
  •     Sâlt to tâste
  •     1 cup finely diced tomâto (âbout 1 lârge or 30 grâpe tomâtoes)
  •     12 ounces shredded lettuce (âbout 1 lârge heâd)
  •     1/4 cup sour creâm



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